Monday, February 14, 2011

reposting an article: Foolish & Crazy – Getting a Job in the Music Industry

An amusing article...I could relate to this so much coz I've been in the music industry 'since the hottest selling commodity for teens was called a 'cassette'...yeah, you get the drift.  As I am about to step out of it and explore 'what's out there', I think sharing this article is like a summary of where I've been and where I'm going...

"...the people that have jobs in the music industry are either foolish or crazy. Either a) a person is so in love with music and art that they refuse to work elsewhere, for better money, which means that they're foolish..."

"People that want to get a job in this field work their faces off and create opportunities for themselves. They either start a business or get a nonpaid position at a place they love. They get in the system.
And they become indispensible. "

a must read.  I absolutely recommend read the entire article:

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